Thursday, July 11, 2013

Join The Amazing Race to End Homelessness!

Join Compass Housing Alliance and SLU businesses in helping to combat homelessness in Seattle through a fun and exciting scavenger hunt and fundraiser.

Compass Housing Alliance is a trusted local provider of homeless services and builder of affordable housing. Their latest project, Compass on Dexter, will provide affordable housing to families in the South Lake Union neighborhood.  In preparation to join this amazing neighborhood, Compass is holding a scavenger hunt fundraiser that will take teams (of up to 10 people) around SLU, following clues, visiting local businesses and Compass sites, and gathering points in an effort to win prizes. This event is called “The Amazing Race to End Homelessness”!  Join in our efforts to expand services and affordable housing in Seattle by creating or joining a team and fundraising through a free personal webpage provided to you.  Sign up today!

Date: Saturday, September 14, 2013
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm (Celebratory BBQ to follow)
Location: South Lake Union Discovery Center (101 Westlake Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109)